Saturday, June 27, 2009

Allah Akbar, Death to the Dictator!

God is Great and death to all dictators! The call from the rooftops of Tehran echoed around the world. God is Great and the dictators in charge of Iran and those who support them have nothing to do with God. They are all about their petty interests afraid from the wrath of the people, afraid that if they lose power their dirty little secrets will be discovered. But if we believe in Allah, Allah is great and sees all that is happening and no amount of killing one's compatriots can hide any crimes that they have committed.
A story so often repeated a corrupt clique against a proud people. Who will win? I believe we all know the answer. The problem is not that Iran won't win its rightful place as a democratic, proud and powerful nation regardless of the efforts of the corrupt leaders to prolong the agony of an illegitimate regime. We could have given them the benefit of a doubt (although why won't you admit international observers if your elections are so sparking clean?) but ordering the killing of innocent people deprives them from any legitimacy.
God is Great and has given us freedom to manage our own affairs because we were created in Gods image (or alternatively evolved from monkeys (I don't know why evolutionists insist on insulting monkeys by linking them to humans)). Consequently we have to deal with our problems ourselves. Persia belongs to the people of Iran not to corrupt clerics and politicians.


  1. Iranian clerics say vote invalid:

  2. "I don't know why evolutionists insist on insulting monkeys by linking them to humans" .. lol that was a good one ...

    Dictatorships and oppressive regimes will ultimately meet their tragic doom. Only time will tell if the situation in Iran is actually the case of an oppressive regime forcing itself on the people, or a government with vision and special insight that is determined to resist western imperialist tendencies.

  3. Western imperialism is bad, but using armed thugs against your own people is a crime against humanity. I am not saying that bombing civilian Serbs or Iraqis or Afghans was good but ousting Milosevic, Saddam and the Taliban is good. The West and the US are not perfect (the sometimes elect people like Bush, then his son, then his son again) but liberal democracy ultimately corrects these deficiencies peacefully. I am sorry but I can't see any vision in the current Iranian leadership except desperate clinging to power. I believe we'll find out rather sooner then later.

  4. Anonymous12:31 AM

    One thing I've noticed Alex about ALL religions, is that one never gets to the basis of their faith if they aren't allowed to question that faith. Islam, like Christianity, makes question their religion an evil in itself - WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION GOD OR ALLAH! But why would an ALL KNOWING GOD be afraid of a few little questions? Because that religion is man's creation, and man has difficulty in answering Spiritual questions.

    In Iran, this was taken a little further. The question was WAS THIS A LEGITIMATE ELECTION? And the response was WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION GOVERNMENT!

  5. Hey Alex,

    It is great to see you back :D!

    I couldn't agree more with you: God has nothing to do with dictators, let alone those in charge of Iran (assassins that's what they are).

    "(I don't know why evolutionists insist on insulting monkeys by linking them to humans))." - LOL LOL LOL LOL neither do I (this was a great one LOL LOL).

    I must applaude this post: it is so right to the point...well done *applauding*!

    Still I think that the power of those corrupt clerics and politicians is decreasing by the minute (and they know it); so to the fed up Iranian people I say: Power To The People!! Yes, you can!


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  7. Anonymous4:33 AM

    I believe Harmid Karzai is a fraud, after all he was hand picked by the U.S. government.

  8. Anonymous2:13 AM

    allah has no mercy for your filthy souls

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