Sunday, October 03, 2021

Do you really want a socialist or communist country? Why?

 Yes! Because socialism and communism mobilizes societies resources for the common good, strives for equality and solves poverty and unemployment problems. Also the living proof is that Communist China is the leading world economy.

But… Communism with its rigid centralized system of government tends to breed corruption that creates the inequalities that it has proclaimed to be fighting against. Also, communism and socialism tend to stifle innovation - the iPhone was invented in America - but, of course, is made in China. On the other hand the Soviet Union beat America to space.

Communism is an old idea - since the time of Plato and Aristotle, even Jesus preached against private property. Still it has too many weak points and it is free markets and democracy that have brought humanity prosperity and technological progress (and that includes China).

First, I thought communism was good and capitalism bad.

Then, capitalism is good and communism bad.

 Democracy and market forces should take care of that….



And that seemed to be so true because then we won the Cold war – Soviet style communism crumbled under its own stupidity eager crowds dismantled the Berlin war and turned the pieces of the hated barrier into souvenirs – under the sounds of Pink Floyd singing “break down the wall…” Then the US bombed the Serbs!

Then NATO didn’t disband and kept going for no obvious reason. Then the Chinese communist system managed to bring their country out of poverty to the leading position in the world economy.

Then America is in multi trillion-dollar debt…

I still believe that it’s not by the benevolence of baker and shoemaker that we enjoy prosperity and that we have those inalienable rights.

What I don’t know is – what went wrong?

I know Marx does – he was confident that it was the ownership of the means of production that was the problem but while that does seem to be true with China’s success and the recent economic crisis triggered by US financial institutions it doesn’t seem to explain everything. Communism did fail in Russia and Eastern Europe.

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