At first glance it looks like a win/win/win situation - the US will pay 2 billion USD for gas delivered to Ukraine so the flow to Germany won't stop. Germany gets gas, Putin gets money for being a good boy and the US taxpayer ends up deeper in debt.
But wait there is more - Putin gets to keep the 12 billion he promised Ukraine before the disturbances started, the US taxpayers' 2 billion is in the form of loan guarantee (be realistic Ukraine is not going to pay it back in any foreseeable future) and the actual money will go through the IMF they can impose their fees and sanctions at will.
Winners - the oligarchs and oil barons of Russia, the USA and Ukraine.
Losers - we the people, but mostly the people of Ukraine (who we be deeply enslaved), Russia (whose corrupt leaders will become richer and more arrogant) and last but not least the people of the USA who will end up picking up the tab for all this.
Amazing what a couple of well placed snipers shooting at protesters can achieve.
I wonder if the deal really went through, if Russia got the money because we now know Ukraine didn't get the gas and the EU, led by Germany, practically paused relations with Czar Putin...