Political Philosophy
Opinions on politics, philosophy, ethics, sovereignty, freedom, moral, duty, property, economics, ownership, development, self-worth, the world. All thoughtful comments welcome. The truth is born in dialog. Imagination lights the way to follow our desires - powerful expressions of our calling.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Blame capitalism
Thursday, October 07, 2021
Personal Wellbeing for a Better World!
Just started a SEO course on Udemy and in the introduction
they said: the Internet is about the world better helping to make, Google is about
helping to make the Internet better, SEO is about helping to make Google
better. I was inspired by that way to look at things – indeed our work, our
interests – even if it is an attempt to make my website more popular is ultimately
about making the world better.
So, any effort – including the most mundane work for a
living has a higher meaning – providing for myself is actually providing for
the betterment of humanity. That is of course if your particular line of business
is not intentionally focused on harming fellow human beings and in consequence
humanity as a whole.
Tuesday, October 05, 2021
Why Do We, the Sheeple, Are Almost Always So Easily Bamboozled Into Believing that Imaginary Security Threats Warrant Lavish Funding?
People worry.
Then people fear.
Then people tend to act unreasonably.
Unreasonable behavior is detrimental to people's wellbeing.
It is normal. We have survived because we have avoided numerous dangers along the road. On the other hand paralyzing fear can prevent us from using valuable resources where they are most needed. Therefore it is most important to think before we act, doubt before we believe, analyze before we claim to understand.
Following is a quote that impressed and saddened me at the same time. There are great minds that warn us but we listen and don't hear, look and don't see....
For a bit of history:
"The English
government presents, just now, a curious phenomenon. Seeing that the French and
English nations are getting rid of the prejudices and false notions formerly
entertained against each other, and which have cost them so much money, that
government seems to be placarding its need of a foe; for unless it finds one
somewhere, no pretext exists for the enormous revenue and taxation now deemed
Therefore, it
seeks in Russia the enemy it has lost in France, and appears to say to the
universe, or to say to itself. "If nobody will be so kind as to become my
foe, I shall need no more fleets nor armies, and shall be forced to reduce my
taxes. The American war enabled me to double the taxes; the Dutch business to
add more; the Nootka humbug gave me a pretext for raising three millions
sterling more; but unless I can make an enemy of Russia the harvest from wars
will end. I was the first to incite Turk against Russian, and now I hope to
reap a fresh crop of taxes."
If the miseries
of war, and the flood of evils it spreads over a country, did not check all
inclination to mirth, and turn laughter into grief, the frantic conduct of the
government of England would only excite ridicule. But it is impossible to
banish from one's mind the images of suffering which the contemplation of such
vicious policy presents. To reason with governments, as they have existed for
ages, is to argue with brutes. It is only from the nations themselves that
reforms can be expected. There ought not now to exist any doubt that the peoples
of France, England, and America, enlightened and enlightening each other, shall
henceforth be able, not merely to give the world an example of good government,
but by their united influence enforce its practice."
Sunday, October 03, 2021
Critical thinking and the woke crowd!
It's the critical thinking people's support that counts.
You can call it a blessing.The mindless pseudo faith of cultists too lazy to think for themselves comes not as an inspiration from above but is a work of confusion inflicted by the deceiver.
It's a curse.
The facilitation of people's intentions which are distilled from desire is the essence of civilization.
My point is - there are good people and bad people.
The good people are honest and smart.
Honest and true first and foremost to themselves - they know what they want and smart because they are looking for and finding ways to achieve that.
Bad people are dangerous hypocrites - dangerous to themselves and dangerous to everyone else even if you might think that you don't want to have anything with them.
Do you really want a socialist or communist country? Why?
Yes! Because socialism and communism mobilizes societies resources for the common good, strives for equality and solves poverty and unemployment problems. Also the living proof is that Communist China is the leading world economy.
But… Communism with its rigid centralized system of government tends to breed corruption that creates the inequalities that it has proclaimed to be fighting against. Also, communism and socialism tend to stifle innovation - the iPhone was invented in America - but, of course, is made in China. On the other hand the Soviet Union beat America to space.
Communism is an old idea - since the time of Plato and Aristotle, even Jesus preached against private property. Still it has too many weak points and it is free markets and democracy that have brought humanity prosperity and technological progress (and that includes China).
I thought communism was good and capitalism bad.
capitalism is good and communism bad.
Democracy and market forces should take care
of that….
that seemed to be so true because then we won the Cold war – Soviet style
communism crumbled under its own stupidity eager crowds dismantled the Berlin
war and turned the pieces of the hated barrier into souvenirs – under the
sounds of Pink Floyd singing “break down the wall…” Then the US bombed the
NATO didn’t disband and kept going for no obvious reason. Then the Chinese
communist system managed to bring their country out of poverty to the leading
position in the world economy.
Then America is in multi trillion-dollar
I still believe that it’s not by the
benevolence of baker and shoemaker that we enjoy prosperity and that we have
those inalienable rights.
What I don’t know is – what went wrong?
I know Marx does – he was confident that it was the ownership of the means of production that was the problem but while that does seem to be true with China’s success and the recent economic crisis triggered by US financial institutions it doesn’t seem to explain everything. Communism did fail in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
...who is society?
"...who is society? There is no such thing! There are individual men and women and there are families and no government can do anything except through people and people look to themselves first… There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate..."
Margaret Thatcher
If you wonder what to have for dinner, or just wonder check - https://amazon.com/Mish-Mash-Elli
Monday, September 27, 2021
Compared to the past now is the best time to live! Following is a quote from Nick Kristof: ‘If you’re depressed by the state of the world, let me toss out an idea: In the long arc of human history, 2019 has been the best year ever.’As evidence, he cited record low levels of child deaths (whereas in 1950, 27 per cent of kids died by the age of 15, now that percentage is just 4 per cent) and record highs for adult literacy (90 per cent of adults are now literate). Every single …

Sunday, September 26, 2021
What’s it all about?
Pinky: Gee, Brain.
What are we going to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing
we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.
This is a work in
progress. Intended to serve as a scaffolding for thought and research. I am
worried that we (humanity) have made such big strides ahead in technology but
so little in our understanding about the big issues in life as Why, What and How?
Here we go!
The question is:
Why humanity doesn’t
live in peace and prosperity?
Why humanity doesn’t
live in everlasting peace and prosperity if we have already mastered the
technological means and have access to the resources for that?
Possible answers:
Is it a greedy clique
of corrupt politicians and business people who conspire against us to protect
their undeserved profits because they know of no other way to safeguard their
privileges other than instigating division, conflict, war and chaos?
If that is true – how
powerful are they?
How can we stop them
from doing that and prevent anyone from doing that in the future?
Or are our
institutions the culprit?
Is it their failure
to allocate resources and distribute profits fairly while safeguarding against
those who plan to disturb the peace to gain unfair advantage?
Why is
humanity stumbling from war to war for no particular reason using ever more
sophisticated instruments to kill and maim fellow human beings?
does our justice system seem eager to punish severely petty crimes but keen to
ignore major ones?
are obvious questions that anyone can relate to. What bothers me that there
doesn’t seem to be a consensus on how are we going to go about resolving those
issues before humanity self-destructs? I know: Democracy, Free Markets, Rule of
Law! Truth is – regardless of the validity of those they don’t seem to work.
is the theoretical, philosophical, ethical, legal knowledge that we need to
develop to overcome these obstacles and what are those obstacles?
possible answer could be – our institutions do not have the built-in
accountability devices to guard against them being highjacked by corrupt people
who misuse them for undeserved gains.
For me
a first step would be better understanding of what’s happening because
personally it has been more and more clouded with the years.
I thought communism was good and capitalism bad.
capitalism is good and communism bad.
Democracy and market forces should take care
of that….
that seemed to be so true because then we won the Cold war – Soviet style communism
crumbled under its own stupidity eager crowds dismantled the Berlin war and
turned the pieces of the hated barrier into souvenirs – under the sounds of Pink
Floyd singing “break down the wall…” Then the US bombed the Serbs!
NATO didn’t disband and kept going for no obvious reason. Then the Chinese
communist system managed to bring their country out of poverty to the leading
position in the world economy.
America is in multi trillion-dollar debt…
I still
believe that it’s not by the benevolence of baker and shoemaker that we enjoy
prosperity and that we have those inalienable rights.
What I
don’t know is – what went wrong?
I know
Marx does – he was confident that it was the ownership of the means of
production that was the problem but while that does seem to be true with
China’s success and the recent economic crisis triggered by US financial
institutions it doesn’t seem to explain everything. Communism did fail in
Russia and Eastern Europe.
I am starting this blog hoping in a series of essays to manage to get maybe if
not straightforward answers – to at least build a scaffolding that will help me
scramble up to the shoulders of those giants and be able to see further (or
perhaps to the tops of their heads?).
in it for you?
I am
doing this mostly for myself. Why making it public?
If my
thoughts help you in your own quest for knowledge – please, tell me – your
encouragement may add a plank or pillar to my scaffold as I may help you build
general, I believe that understanding the fascinating and disappointing reality
we live in will help enjoy it more and for longer.
does space travel have to do with all this – you may ask…
obvious – space travel is the latest and most exciting adventure of humanity.
If anything is going to pull us out of the swamp of hate and division that we
are drowning in is the unifying vision of a common quest. It may also provide
purpose and employment for all those talented inventors, engineers and technicians
who are now preoccupied with creating fancy tools for destruction. So my aim is
to travel to space and in between now and then work to promote space travel for
civilian purposes as a a worthy endeavor that will save humanity and civilization
and may prove a useful substitute for the dangerous and wasteful arms race
that’s my plan to take over the world. I know it may sound kind of naïve or
even dodgy but that’s all I can think of for now and… you never know.