Sunday, November 30, 2008


There is an old Bulgarian saying: "Stupidity occurs to humans". Indeed it does. All to often. More often than we all would like to see. But what can we do. There is no stupid animal. Animals are just natural, so are trees. For people stupidity is natural too. In order to achieve something more than naturally occurring stupidity we need to make an effort and think. By making an effort I don't mean exert oneself. No, on the contrary, natural life is hard work and full of frustration and disappointments only the clever ones can leave a truly good lazy life in luxury or whatever you consider good life: might be devoting your life to yourself, your family, the advancement of humanity or science and invention. But alas good life doesn't come naturally. You must plan it, build it, and then enjoy it. And all that involves thinking. And thinking is a dangerous process always prone to stumble into the trap of stupidity especially if it is done in a stuck up self-conceited: ‘holier than you way’ .

We all now stupidity after the fact. Well most ot the time. That not a big feat. It's easy to notice when it hurts. It's harder to grasp it before the fact: Danger! Stupidity! Will get us into trouble! Will most possibly hurt! Probably a lot! Evade, prevent, desist, in one word: THINK!. Thinking may be painful and confusing and is not a sure antidote to stupidity actually stupidity is a one of the possible outcomes of thinking) still it is the only known remedy against the pains and frustration of stupidity.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Social Theory

'Philosophy is written in this grand book, the Universe. But the book cannot be read unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the alphabet in which it is composed' GALILEO GALILEI

We can only act upon what we believe is true. It is inevitable that our knowledge is imperfects as we ourselves are imperfect. That doesn't mean that we can't be successful even when we base our actions on this imperfect knowledge .The difference is that the more our subjective knowledge corresponds to objective reality the less our successes will be subject to chance instead of plan. That perfect knowledge is impossible to attain shouldn't stop us from trying. (see Ferrari)
We can have simple truths as 2+2=4 but unfortunately such obvious truths rarely are of much use and even if they are their discovery is easy. The problem is that the more complicates a concept is the more difficult it is to define, justify and prove yet often it's the most important and critical for making crucial decisions.

Values as most important in any political inquiry for the following reasons:
Any politico-sociological inquiry must have a goal.
That goal must be justified by a value system.

Values often are the basis of defining interests and guiding choices.

In pursuing our interests we have two choices in relation to other people to help us achieve our goals to cooperate or coerce.
Cooperation or Coercion?
Both have advantages and disadvantages. Cooperation generates goodwill and possibility for future cooperation but may take time to negotiate and will require trade off in effort, resources and/or possible adjustment on one’s goals. Coercion may bring concrete payoff faster and easier but will generate resentment which will lead to retaliation and eventually make it more expensive in the end.
Additionally cooperation may benefit from the intellectual, emotional and spiritual input of other that could greatly enhance achievement while coercion will employ all invention, passion and prayer of our counterpart against us.
Structures and Institutions
Structural/institutional approaches to cooperation like rules, laws or principles, associations (including states), and markets arte the cheapest ones. Cheap as they may be they require periodic maintenance if we aspect them to serve us as intended being human creation they are neither perfect nor natural.

Cheap as they are structures are imperfect and need to be constantly modified to smooth out their own imperfect adaptation to reality and to accommodate changes in that same reality. That jeopardizes both their efficiency as resources need to be spent on changes and raises the resistance not only of those who are accustomed to the old system or reluctant to invest in its improvement but by those who profit for the imperfections that are to be straightened up.

What would I want from my structures/institutions? I would certainly want them to be able to archive their goals and to do it cheaply. No question I would want them to set these goal according to my wishes or as compatible with my wishes as possible and I would like to have some safeguard that my organization won’t turning against me. So simply said I want them to be democratic, accountable and respecting my rights.
Can be protective and aggressive (intentionally, de facto or perceived) It is always bound to provoke violent reaction of the stronger if the threats or actions are perceived as aggressive.
Power is the ability to achieve one's goals.
Society is people cooperating or competing in pursuit of their goals.
Politics is people cooperating or competing in the acquisition of power.
Power is the ability to make an independent choice???

Goals stem from interests based on wants, which in turn are perceived needs.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Knowledge and Happiness
(Politics and Philsophy)
My starting point is the belief that knowledge is the basis of our well-being by helping us succeed in our pursuit of happiness and in our efforts to solve our problems. I believe in the ultimate sovereignty of everyone which cannot be ceded, transferred or divided. From it stems all political legitimacy on local, national. regional and world level.
That lead to the fact that respect for human rights is not an option but a must for every legitimate contemporary political entity. That democracy can only work where it is coupled with accountability and the above mentioned respect for rights including the rights of any minority.
Dictatorship of the majority is no more acceptable that the dictatorship of an individual or an oligarchy.
Accountability means not only compliance with national and international standards of behavior but also all possible care to avoid harm to people, and support for criminal and terrorist setups or worse: corrupt, failed or oppressive regimes.

Please, feel welcome to share your thoughts, opinions and suggestions.
