Friday, January 30, 2009

Personal Interests, Politics and Philosophy

Personal interests are our only legitimate claim we have to resources including the time and effort of others. I believe we can only inquire about other’s interests to be able to find ways to align ours to theirs and help each other achieve our goals through cooperation. Free association through discussion and good all fashioned haggling about who gets what should complete the process to everyone’s satisfaction.
Unfortunately human history is littered with wars and injustice and despite the major advances in science and technology that ensure that al humanity’s needs can be met at an acceptable level to situation in politics prevents that from happening. On the contrary we the people continue to waste resources for expensive and destructive armaments, disregard the environment which affects us and our offspring and worst of all: do nothing to relief the suffering of fellow human beings who are in dire conditions through no fault of their own or even worse killing, oppressing or denying opportunities for development.
That is even more perplexing because if you check the statements of our politicians and the declarations of the only global political body we have, regardless of its deficiencies the UN we all want peace, prosperity, care for the environment and sustainable development.
There is an explanation for that discrepancy between intention and reality and I will not accuse politicians of hypocrisy but the sheer complexity of balancing all interests, the complexity of ensuring proper governance of resources and the ingrained ancient and ineffective in the modern age concerns about security prevent the right things from being done.
Corrupt politicians and business leaders will exist always. Good, bad and completely rotten people will exist always. That’s human nature and I have no explanation for that. But the least we can do is eliminate groundless fear that stems from ignorance or reluctance to abolish defunct systems, knowledge and beliefs that worked before but are no longer relevant. It’s easy to find excuses for inaction but I believe that if we realize that it’s our own lives, our own welfare that we are playing with we’ll be more keen to take matters in our own hands and think more, listen more, learn more and act more sensibly in our own interests which ultimately is in everyone else’s interest.


  1. I was browsing the blogosphere and I stumbled upon your blog, so I stopped to say hi!
    I am interested in spirituality and philosophy and I am looking for like minded friends.
    Wishing you the best!

    1. Thanks Buddha. Looling forward to sharing thoughts with you.

  2. This is a really interesting blog to me since I'm taking a course on Philosophy of Politics at Barry University. It's a really interesting subject that makes you ponder the essence of government and all the ideologies that stem from it. I'll follow your blog to see if I get any insight from what you have written and will write. Have a great day.

    By the way, if you are interested in Politics and/or sports I have two blogs that you can check out:

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I quotes your sentence "Corrupt politicians and business leaders will exist always."

    You are very true!
    Money (business) and power (politicians) is a combination of human greed. These power even could override their own families.

  4. That doesn't mean that business and politics are bad. On the contrary they are the only way to devp wealth and prosperity and work to achieve common goals. The problem is that these functions are important and we must make sure we have policies and practices in place to make sure the occasional bad apples don't spoil the lot for us. For now democracy and free market economics work well, not perfect but well. They are not magical solutions because they are not God sent but human creations. It's up to us to find out their deficiencies and fix them - free market: through regulation, democracy: through participation, respect of rights and better governance.

  5. Your a very interesting man Wizard, I enjoy reading your blog. I guess I'll have to keep coming back. ^.^

  6. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Thanks for visiting my blog :) You're more than welcome. You have a great and neat blog. Congrats and cheers.

  7. Dialog, and I mean honest open dialog, not W Bush dialog - we dictate you execute - is the way to understanding and cooperation between two people or between two nations.
    I think we have forgotten how to have a dialog and how to debate.
    Take this blogging experiment we both are in.
    It is the hardest thing to make people talk and express their opinion.

  8. Because, it is hard. Social interaction, thinking about how to make our lives better is important yet difficult and people shy away from it, but that is dangerous behavior leading to the enslavement of someone else making the decisions you didn't take part into. Then there are the illegitimate regimes where expressing an opinion can lead to serious trouble for the individual doing it. But the fact that sharing opinions can be difficult or dangerous shouldn't prevent us from doing it because it is our only path to knowledge, freedom and prosperity.

  9. Anonymous3:38 AM

    If Kissinger - the original Dr. Strangelove and the Bush White House adviser and also one of the most forceful proponents of the Iraq war got sent to Russia, do not expect anything good to come out of it.
    Wonder what Obama is thinking...Doesn't he realize that he shouldn't get involved with this evil bastard?

  10. Anonymous10:14 PM

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