Thursday, February 20, 2014

Who is responsible?

The one who is affected!

And in an argument - the  one who is cleverer.
And that is why the sum can never be better that the individual.
The power of association has meaning only when it serves the interests of the individual.
Actually any association always serves individuals.
He problem is with these associations that proclaim that they serve the common interest to hide the fact that they serve the interests of the few.
But what about states?
States too serve the personal interests theii citizens (check wiih the Declaration of Independence) and if they don't they lose their legitimacy. States are sovereign as long as the people can deliberate national interest and policy. Outside ot that they are just a criminal association protecting the interests of corrupt individuals.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Triangular Person

Forget the well rounded personality which is just essential square with filed out corners.

People consist of three main properties: what they want to be, how society sees them and what they really are.
Since humanity is essentially dynamic these properties are in constant motion meaning that if you do not attempt to steer that journey towards the goals that you choose it will inevitably drift towards a direction that you do not like – most probably the least desirable one for you.
So if we have  triangle with What I am, How society sees me and What I want to be at each point and if we imagine a vector starting from that point and crossing the side joining the other two - we’ll have 1.  the course with  the most support between what what we want and how society sees us, 2. the one with the most chance of success is the one between what we want and what we really are and 3.  the least desirable one is the one between how the others see us and what we really are. The good news is the course we really want to take is the one between 2. the most chance of success and 1. the one with the most support.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

You Are What You Are

Ethical values are universal but our understanding of those values is developed and expressed in relation to historically defined circumstances and the individual's understanding of how goals defined as common can serve that person's private interests.

You are not what you, what you know and what you believe. You are not your race, nationality and culture. You are not even your family.
You are you!
And only as you you can be part of a family, company, nation or faith. You can only be really to anyone including yourself by being unique. Because that is the only human way. A human being is not a product of or cog in the mechanism of society. Society is the product and servant of its members, not the other way around. To put the records straight – it's not what you can do for you country it's what you country can do for you and if your country doesn't do it for you – you can and must change the government – it's in the Declaration of Independence. (and I see the Declaration of Independence as a document not only of American but of universal significance).

Bees and ants are social animals – people are individuals with personal differences, preferences and dreams.

The humanness of is ultimately the good life but it is creativity which makes the connection between dreams and realty between life as it is and life as we want it to be, life as it should be! And because that is something very difficult if not impossible to achieve on my own – I need the help of other people. People who are either keen to build my dream or at least a similar one or people who would help me realize my dream in exchange of me helping them achieve theirs.

And those dreams might be castles in the sky or something more practical like security, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. Th achieve these goals we create associations, nations, institutions and other tools and mechanisms – but that doesn't mean that these constructs are what we are at least nor more than the clothes that we wear are what we are. There are just means to an end to be changed and discarded when they no longer serve their purpose.

And that purpose is – make no mistake and repeat after me in a loud voice – to help me chase my dreams, not yours – my dreams and of course we can talk about how chasing your dreams might help me chase mine or we can fight over that (although that is more expensive and not at all productive).

Still I am in the center of my world and you are in the center of yours and only by fiercely preserving our personal freedom can personal security, and the personal pursuit of happiness be possible at all. Only unity in diversity works, unity without diversity is a dangerous illusion that makes life miserable for everyone involved.