Saturday, February 28, 2009

Foreign Policy Challenges for the Obama Admisitration and Possible Solutions

Iraq the problems is not security but lack of democracy. And democracy is not about elections but about economically and politically independent middle class which is lacking in Iraq. We have corrupt government that supports corruption in politics and the economy and is widely perceived by the United State and it is. Until that changes no amount of military involvement will make any difference. The only way to turn things around is if US projects in Iraq are open for competition including international. That will bring more transparency and lead to better efficiency and effectiveness of US involvement in Iraqi economy, bring in willing Europeans, Chinese, Russians and possibly Indians, lead to Iraqi economic revival and ultimately discredit militants.
The same is valid for Pakistan and Afghanistan.. At present poor tribal villagers have no choice but to succumb to Taliban and Al-Quaeda bullying and grow opium for them for lack of other productive opportunities. For sure militants can be defeated only by armed force but that alone have proven unsuccessful in the long run. Depriving the armed groups of their financial and popular support is the key to defeating them. Military action will be the last not the primary concern.
Europe is in very precarious position and that has unique possibilities for development. Eastern Europe is in serious trouble and Western Europe seems reluctant to help. The US can promote its own agenda through economic help which could be financial but more important intellectual in the sphere of management while utilizing local engineering talent. The same applies to Russia. Pushing NATO agenda is a lose – lose situation. For Eastern Europeans (Czechs for example) the attempt to build a US missile base on their territory is just another attempt to bring foreign troops on Czech soil just when they got rid of the Russians. Other Eastern European nations will interpret it just the same. Membership in the Russia led Warsaw pact was cemented with cheap Russian oil and gas. I doubt the US is prepared to pay for such questionable loyalty. Yet the Obama administration has the unique chance of forging an independent of Western Europe policy towards Eastern Europe based on economic (not military) cooperation and win the loyalty of the people of Eastern Europe who are tired of being exploited as cheap labor and environmental dump of Western Europe not to mention Russian bullying.
Putin’s Russia is at a crossroads. It will be unwise to antagonize them in these difficult times, There are many converging interests where both countries can work together for shared benefit. Let’s not forget that détente led to perestroika and ultimately to the dismantling of the oppressive Soviet Union and its system of international domination while more than forty years of isolation did nothing to change the regime in Cuba. There is no use lamenting the plight of Russian “businessmen’ bullied by their government as most of them are common crooks owing their riches to the lawlessness of the Yeltsin era, on the other hand murdering journalists and letting the assassins walk free is a crime against freedom of speech not to be condoned..
I believe it will be beneficial if the Obama administration leans a bit harder on China not only on human rights but on North Korea too. I know keeping the criminal regime their alive is in the interests of those who favor US military presence in South Korea but its not sustainable in the long run and ultimately detrimental to US interests and the interests of the people in the region. So North Korea must go and the signal must come from the White House.
Israel? The Israelis are among the most intelligent people in the world. I am sure they just wait for the sign of where the prevailing winds will blow. But the sign must be consistent enough I don’t think there is an easy solution. A federation of Jews and Arabs seems like a good idea but may be impossible to implement. In any case more than sixty years of realpolitik in the region didn’t lead to anything good. It is time for innovative solutions taking into account not the interests and preferences of corrupt governments and shady terrorist organizations but the real world interests of the people in the region regardless of their religions, national or political affiliation..
The same is valid for Latin Americans who have yet to see an United States administration treating them with respect as people regardless of the corrupt governments, corporate interests and mafia connections.

I believe it is self evident that any American administration should conduct its foreign policy based on the premise that we are all created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights.


  1. I believe that's the most important work to do and the right way to go:
    in Afghanistan
    in Iraq

  2. Anonymous12:35 AM

    This is your "authentic" and truthful path to greater world governance is it?

  3. I believe it is authentic and truthful. If it is not life will prove me wrong but I'll continue my search. We need world governance as we need good governance in any other field and I prefer to chose the governance I'm paying for.
    World governance is not bad (that's where we are headed regardless of our preferences) incompetent and corrupt governance is bad and that's what we were getting and will continue to get if we don't get involved.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I agree, military intervention (modern day war?) isn't going to work - ever. The more we are there, the more money and support for the Taliban, al-Quaeda, etc.. If we honestly had a positive desire to rebuild, all the money we are using to fight with could create a thriving middle class, what are our motives? Even if they are less-than kind hearted, are they cohesive. Does everyone in Washington and the Pentagon want the same thing?

  5. Of course different people in Washington and the Pentagon might want different things and have different friends but that's not my problem. All I want to know is that they are there to serves us and it's up to us to tell them what we want them to do. They are free to comply or move on.

  6. Hey Wizard :D!

    I had to re-follow your blog again: Blogger (in its merging Followers and Friends Connect) caused some followers to disappear (yes, even yours disappeared from mine) *nodding*!

    Anyway, about your post:

    "There is no use lamenting the plight of Russian “businessmen’ bullied by their government as most of them are common crooks owing their riches to the lawlessness of the Yeltsin era, on the other hand murdering journalists and letting the assassins walk free is a crime against freedom of speech not to be condoned.." - Hear, Hear *applauding*!

    "I believe it will be beneficial if the Obama administration leans a bit harder on China not only on human rights but on North Korea too." - Agreed.

    "[Israel] It is time for innovative solutions taking into account not the interests and preferences of corrupt governments and shady terrorist organizations but the real world interests of the people in the region regardless of their religions, national or political affiliation.." - brilliantly said *applauding*! I totally agree with you, again.

    "The same is valid for Latin Americans who have yet to see an United States administration treating them with respect as people regardless of the corrupt governments, corporate interests and mafia connections." - *tapping on my desk in agreement*! Absolutely!!

    "I believe it is self evident that any American administration should conduct its foreign policy based on the premise that we are all created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights." - That's right!

    Wizard, this was one of the best political articles I have ever read: thank you, thank you! *bowing*


  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    There can never be a world governance because to many different groups want control and refuse to compromise. You cannot negotiate with these people. Lets not forget Islamo-Fascists want all Americans and Jews DEAD, thats why they crashed planes into buildings killing themselves for the opportunity to take a few of us with them! Compromising is meeting them half the way, So which half of us should die?

    These people have been killing each other since the beginning of civilization, war and death is all they know. That's why they will NEVER succumb to violence alone (I'll agree with you on that), but they will never pledge a lasting partnership with anyone who does not believe in their Ideals.
    Politics Untied

  8. Anonymous9:02 AM

    They are not these people. They are part of us. Stupidity is part of human nature and will remain so in forseeable future. I don't advocate compromise with criminals. Criminals are to be put away. Criminals can be Americans, Jews, Arabs, Puerto Ricans even Bulgarians that doesn't make them any different.
    By cooperation I mean real cooperation between people genuinly set to help each other not from some imagined altruiestic motives buy to promote their own self interest. People can achieve great things only in cooperation. Alone we are no better than monkeys.
    I don't intend to abandone civilization because of a bunch of criminals whose actions will ultimtely lead to their demise because we want let them have their way.
    It's not "us" and "them" it what's right and what's wrong.

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Actually - you can't have democracy and a stable middle-class without the security. They still do not have security in Iraq otherwise there wouldn't be regular bombings on a daily basis.

    Sorry - I will have to strongly and respectfully disagree with the premise of this discussion.

    As for your idea of a global community and world governance - talk about pie-in-the-sky. What that really means is have America REALLY take care of everybody else. Sorry - no thanks

  10. "I believe it will be beneficial if the Obama administration leans a bit harder on China not only on human rights but on North Korea too."
    I will agree on North Korea as one might argue that that its continued existence poses a threat to American interests especially in the south but will completely disagree on the issue of human rights. Pressuring China on issues of human rights should not be within the political mandate of any American administration. When will the united states learn that policing the entire world is not a very profitable business. Demanding any extra privileges or rights is a responsibility that falls on the Chinese people and the Chinese people alone. The united states government needs to stick to promoting and protecting American interests. If the Chinese people are dissatisfied with current conditions then let them pressure their government. I believe the only regime on planet earth that has been able to survive a unified opposition has been the government of Myanmar and their survival beats any form of logical explanation. The communist party of china have kept such a strong grip on power because they enjoy an overwhelming amount of support from the Chinese people. Even Mugabe who still has a considerable amount of support within the country could not keep his firm grip on power ... great article by the way

  11. The Chinese People can support the Communist Party if they had an opportunity to freely express their preferences. The US can't police the world but can't afford to let corrupt regimes have their way as blow in your face when you least expect

  12. Of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan; all wars are caused by economics. But it's catch 22, since in order to foster good economic conditions there needs to be basic security. But security disintegrates when the people are suffering economic hardships. It's a chicken without the egg problem.
