Monday, March 01, 2021

Capitalism or Communism? Or Do We Have a Choice?

 At the end of the eighties things were crystal clear: communism lost, capitalism won and we will all live together happily ever after in material abundancy and liberal bliss, at last.

Now thirty years later the Chinese Communist Party has declared victory over poverty while in the US the middle class is slowly withering away while the media is increasingly turning into a propaganda machine of those in power.

Not only is the trend pointing to China becoming the #1 economy in the world but the US is foolishly isolating Russia (and increasingly the EU) thus pushing them to look for more reliable friends in the East.

How did that happen? Why? Can we do anything about it? Perhaps organize a demonstration on Tiananmen square or march on the Capitol or the Kremlin, or maybe break down the Berlin wall (that’s already broken) but we can always try the Korean demilitarized zone? Revolution?  I hope that will never happen because revolutions usually hurt the innocent and cement the power of the corrupt elite.

I do believe in unity in diversity. That we the people can and will unite and acknowledge that everyone has a right to an opinion (and that means everyone including those you don’t like or don’t agree with) as long as that opinion does not involve hate, or planning to harm someone, or planning to coerce someone into changing their opinion or choice. And that unity will bring reason, stability and abundance.

You may say I’m a dreamer but I hope I’m not the only one….

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