Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tarzan and Politics

I like history. I don't like war. Yet historians seem to be preoccupied with war. As if that's all people were doing and thinking of in (I’ll go back to that later with economics). That has somehow spilled into political analysis and international relations theory excessively focusing on power and by power usually understanding something related to violence an oppression which somehow become justified if they have the label of political or international attached to them.
To get things straight I strongly believe that oppression and violence are always wrong. Using force for self-defense though is legitimate.
Politics is not about power, much less about violence and oppression. If that was so then the Mafiosi are the best politicians.
Politics is about cooperation.
And cooperation and society is that what makes us human. Sure bees and wolfs cooperate and that’s their way to survive but wit us people it is a bit different. We can survive on our own. A healthy human can probably survive in the wild gathering fruit and hunting with sticks and stones but that will be a life, natural for sure, but not far removed from the monkeys.
Civilization implies cooperation. Not coercion. Violence shows failure of civilization it's not a prerequisite or even a by product of it.
If coercion civilization was about coercion Hitler's concentration camps would have been celebrated as the epitome of civilization.
Civilization is about cooperation and that's where polices comes in. We the people want a lot; we see our happiness as more than being fed and warm. We want more and that more is only possible in cooperation that makes the pursuit of happiness possible.


  1. your blog more info ,make me excited. Congratulation!!. I come again

  2. yes I agree. so much so of power in politics.politician should at least consider the people they lead. leaders should not be oppressor...just a political view!

    thanks for sharing your thoughts:-)
